Once in the Andalucian capital spent two years of the careers of Dance at the Approved School MATILDE CORAL until the Fundación Cristina Heeren offered him a scholarship for one year , taking classes with the likes of: Milagros Mengíbar, Israel Galván, Javier Latorre, Manolo Soler, Javier Barón, Isabel Bayon, Hiniesta Cortés, Rafael Campallo , among others. This scholarship was repeated for three years.
constant learning through courses in masterclasses with the likes of dancers Merche Esmeralda, Matilde Coral, Eva Yerbabuena, The Wicker, Antonio Canales, Adela Campallo, Adrián Sánchez, Rosario Toledo, Manzano, Angelita Vargas, Alicia Marquez, Jose Galván, Ana Cali, Rafael Campallo ...
Eva takes rise in national and international stages since 1998. Component
Company Adrián Sánchez tablaos has worked as Casa de la Memoria Al-Andalus in Seville, Tablao Albaycín, Venta del Gallo and Huerto del Loro in Granada. He has lectured at various schools in Seville and Granada: Carmen de las Cuevas, Bailómanos dance school, Escuela Superior de Arte Flamenco Dance School and Adrian Sanchez .
Company Adrián Sánchez tablaos has worked as Casa de la Memoria Al-Andalus in Seville, Tablao Albaycín, Venta del Gallo and Huerto del Loro in Granada. He has lectured at various schools in Seville and Granada: Carmen de las Cuevas, Bailómanos dance school, Escuela Superior de Arte Flamenco Dance School and Adrian Sanchez .
is Art and Creativity Award (Baza 2006), runs his own show blending Andalusian flamenco with music, Sephardic and represented Spain at the Festival of Cultures at the Teatro Isabel La Católica in January two thousand seven.
Some of his shows: Instituto Cervantes de Fez (Morocco), soloist under the direction of Salvador López Becerra Manchester (England), soloist under the direction of Kepa Gonzalez. Third granaínas contest, Auditorium "The Chumbera", Granada, Festival Flamenco "Asprogrades" Theatre "Isabel La Católica, Granada. Interpreter video clip band "Porch" participating in the gala New Year's Eve 2004 Canal Sur, Festival Flamenco de Adra (Almería), 2004 / 05/06/07. Thirteenth Musical Festival Chorus of Juan Hernandez , mixing Flamenco with lyrical voices, Baza (Granada). Directed and participated in the Flemish Galas benefit of the English Association Against Cancer , Eva Manzano and CIA, Baza (Granada), directs with the dancer G. Qamar show "Medhin Granaína " mixing Flamenco with Arabic music and dance. works hand in hand with pianist John Gallego Coin in a show exclusively for Piano and Dance ...
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