Monday, August 30, 2010

How Can I Create A Custom Bmx Bike

News on the case of the movie "My Life Inside"

In the last edition of the documentary premiered My Life Inside , a film that we had a terrible case of Rosa, a Mexican illegal immigrant charged with murder in the United States . The film was the second valued by the public and also to discover a shocking history, unworthy showed us the American judicial system. A few days ago we received an e-mail of those responsible for the tape which is reproduced below.

Dear all:

First of all we want to thank each and everyone who has written expressing our concern and support for Rosa. We write because we have new and good news on it. Mexico State has contracted with the support of Rotary International Club of Edo. of Mexico to the law firm and partners Marván to take the case of Rose in his hands. This firm is composed of a Mexican lawyer and an American lawyer who has represented Mexico in the death penalty in the United States and have made it if you reduce the sentence or to declare them free. So I believe that Rosa has a new opportunity. They will develop a new application with new specialists and experts to present the Supreme Court of Texas.
Furthermore we inform you that Rosa finally saw the movie and I am moved and satisfied, the lawyer to whom I have met and maintain contact, says that this good spirit and very optimistic.
greatly appreciates all the support and letters of encouragement.

also want to inform you that there is an account number to raise funds for his defense which is a marketing name so that no doubt you will be solely for defense.

AC Data

RFC: FUR9006187G7
Av Paseo de la Reforma No.195 Piso 12 and 13

Col.Cuahutemoc Del.Cuahutemoc

Cp 06500 Mexico, DF Tel
55 57 05 71 14

ACCOUNT. Banamex

Account No 2242780 Sucursal 884 002180084422427804
Clabe interbank
Recipient: Rotary Unit Fund of Mexico, AC

continue supporting Rosa
Many thanks to all

Lucia Gajá Director Rodrigo Herranz

My Life Inside.


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