Monday, October 4, 2010

Fred Meyers Airsoft Gun


Carol during treatment

" Hello, my name is Carol, I live in a town near Barcelona and I have almost 33 years and I say almost, because now prefer to put them off years. Many understand why, right?

When I was 29, four and a half months after my daughter was born, I was diagnosed Hodgkin lymphoma , then classified as nodular sclerosis type in a stage IIA. The state told me, more or less to be understood in this type of tumor, which was meant for my involvement in several lymph node chains (mediastinum, supraclavicular and axilla), but all above the diaphragm and no symptoms related to illness . The latter I have none so clear, but it qualified.

seems impossible as time goes on, but this November will mark three years since I administered the last session of chemotherapy. In my case, my treatment consisted of 6 cycles (12 sessions) of ABVD scheme and I had to radiate. Completed three cycles, to make a PET-CT scan to determine the response of the treatment, the result could not be better: all the lymph nodes had decreased considerably and did not log tumor activity. Despite the good news, the treatment plan was modified and my "medical care", Dr. Bosch, I said we had to stick with the original plan, so I still had 3 cycles. These latter sessions are those that made me more uphill. thing that encouraged me when I was in the hospital by day, plugged into the machine, was to think that my little girl was waiting at home. Without doubt, my family was the driving force tore me all day to go, but my daughter would not have been the same. She has been and is the reason why it is worth me being here and fight whatever it takes.

Since I finished treatment in November 2007, follow my reviews, and now quarterly results have been satisfactory, ie, the disease remains in remission. A shock because we have carried out some indicator has changed, but knowing we take, because you have to know a little difficulty to draw a blood sample, can lead to some data that it is out of normal. Fortunately, one need only repeat the test and ended the unrest.

go into a hobby like photography and digital edition, was relieved to a large extent during the treatment, especially I mean emotional overload. helped me to keep my mind distracted and is a hobby that I still practice today, less than what I wanted, that's true, but the obligations are obligations. For this reason, I encourage anyone who is affected by these diseases, to resume their hobbies or to inquire about things you'd like to do, always within the possibilities. To achieve mental well-being during the process, I have to practice your hobbies is one of the best aid.

Three years later, I am a completely normal life and when I say completely normal, is that so. I take no medication, nor do I have any disability. Footprint is only one battle, but these marks, these scars, help me remember how I got here, for without struggle there is no victory. I feel good, and not a trace of weariness that the treatment causes. Now is when I can really enjoy my family without worries and certainly I will do everything in my power to have a day to reach a much larger family, with grandchildren! My husband, one of my mainstays, a saint for his patience and love. Of course, he is the grandfather of my grandchildren, and perhaps the father of a sibling for our daughter Sandra.

This is my story, but before I quit, I would like to leave a piece I wrote some time ago, also as a witness. It was a letter I wrote to my daughter, I hope that some day we read together:

"... The treatment ended, I was recovering gradually forces the battles had died down, and I was very happy seeing you do your first year of life. And soon after it reaffirmed what dictated and months testing and treatment is had beaten cancer . And you you also win. You were doing that anxiety was an annoyance. If you had not been, I just wanted to sleep to forget, or go to be free. Now I suffer just thinking of letting this fight should be with you. Do not fear death, but I panicked thinking that I have on your side when I need to think you can not give you all my love, take care, feed, comfort you. But all this suffering, this cross I will carry on their backs while I live, I do not regret, because you are. I love you more than anything or anyone in this world, over my life, no doubt for an instant. Thanks girl ... "

This is my plan, my great plan: I wish you all much strength and courage to overcome your struggles. I leave two words you shared with me and always I have this: "This is what comes out" and "p'alante provided "!!!!" p'alante

Carol with her daughter Sandra currently

want to know more about the José Carreras Foundation against Leukemia? Click HERE .

Become a member of struggle leukemia.


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