Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dragon Age Post Coronation Premium Content

How it all began ... JOSEP


Inés wanted to share with us his testimony, as she experienced first hand experience:

"Since Friday ... as the weeks and the time ... That time sometimes ally and other enemy in light of the circumstances that stand. Today I "stumbled" with my partner, 2007, one with which many times I was angry, which was inseparable in my hospital bedside ... the calendar. From my first entrance there is a desk calendar was invaluable, and like a prisoner counting the days until his release, I also would crossing in search of mine. Interestingly not marked at nightfall, but to open our eyes each morning, I guess desperately seeking security and achieved complete self-conviction that, for better or worse, the day. So, my calendar, as well as filled with crosses, so did all kinds of annotations (later the psychiatrist recommended that I do not have it in sight so I will not generate more anxiety). It is very hard to close your eyes and try to sleep with the uncertainty of what the new day holds for you, especially when you realize that, as events unfold, you have a good chance it's nothing good.

I entered directly into the isolation unit within hours of knowing the diagnosis, March 20, 2007. I received my first cycle of chemotherapy between 21 and 28. 30 started with fever and continued uninterrupted until 10 April. The same was true of 13 to 19 until the doctors identified an infection in the catheter and did send it by antibiotics and with the cooperation of a new central line. The result of the first puncture after treatment was nothing encouraging. Had not achieved a complete remission of the disease and had to force it with a second cycle. The idea of \u200b\u200bgoing one week at home was gone. Should remain hospitalized for another month, so I got the reinduction between 20 and 27 April. Again, the news was negative. There was no support for my brothers and did not appear in the REDMO donor ... total and absolute uncertainty. We propose a desperate option: combining cells of my mother and a umbilical cord, there are no guarantees .... until finally a number of doctors entering the room and inform me that there has appeared a compatible cord with me. A break, give thanks, hope, light ... The month of May was slightly better, with only a week of fever. After 63 days in isolation, I finally left the hospital on May 28 but re-entered to receive a third cycle of chemotherapy (consolidation), which ended on 3 June. Day 30 finally came out into the street. had every July to rest and recuperate before transplantation.

Salamanca, bad news: they had found the bag containing the cord blood were transfused me, had a crack. He had thrown away. I could not believe, could have such bad luck, it was clear that my destiny was not live. Peeeeeeeero continued the doctor, had another cord available, with less cellularity and no however, more compatible with me than the last. Sigh .... On the 8th of August begins the fourth and most brutal cycle, called the conditioning regimen. This treatment aims to literally wipe out the bone and leave it ready for transplant . life I will remember both the rabbit Thymoglobulin and its side effects (this is a very strong medication that is provided to prevent GVHD) and other types of chemotherapy that is exuded by the skin and forced me over three days to shower every three hours to remove it. At that point, get out of bed and just get to the bathroom, was already a titanic effort. So I transplantation, on day 16, conditioned, yes, but the limit of my physical and psychological forces.

transplant not much I can tell, except that was the least traumatic. In my case (this is exceptional), was performed under deep sedation in the operating room, injecting stem cells directly into the iliac crests. Aplasia time was hard, long, but it was the final straight. If all went well, could go home while bearing in mind that during the first year after transplantation was very likely to appear very serious complications, usually related to GVHD. On September 12 I get the high ... 132 days ago remained in isolation, four cycles of chemotherapy, 27 platelet transfusions, 21 blood transfusions, parental feeding and severe side effects, some predictable and others less so. Everything was perfect, I had little to one day +100 when there was a great shock and on the other hand, the miracle. Well, better said, miracles: one, which can now count two, to find me in the hospital for a check when things began to turn after the spinal tap. I began to find fatal, symptoms were nonspecific, but all indicated that something was no good: shortness of breath, dizziness, terrible thirst, confusion and finally a semiconscious state. Because bacterial infection (Pseudomonas) in the catheter, within a few hours he was in critical condition. There was a septic shock that led to multiple organ failure. Although that was so weak, she lost lucidity at times, I remember perfectly to six physicians (hematologists, intensivists and digestive surgeons), nurses and support staff, surrounding my bed debating what to do. was there in the very room where Teresa Caballero and Ignacio de la Fuente, backed by the rest of the medical team and supported by nurses and auxiliary , saved my life. Nine bombs worked frenetic pace to stabilize my constant and a shot of dopamine gave me the heart beating ever more faintly, tachycardia in seconds. I did ask the doctors about what was happening and although I was totally drugged, I still remember his answers ... I could not breathe, despite mechanical ventilation was suffocating me, the fluid in the lungs caused me unspeakable pain, the bowel was paralyzed and my response to the worsening respiratory failure, agreed to get off to the ICU. I spent three days (I was told later), between the unconscious and lucidity.

Agnes, surrounded by some members of your team

I left that against all odds, I went to the isolation unit and 17 days, now close to Christmas, was home no muscle, no strength, with 46 kilos of weight ... but HAPPY!

"My plans? Living with the best possible quality of life, re-examined thoroughly enjoy every moment, to love those around me and let me pamper them, smile a lot and mourn little.

This is my personal story. Nevertheless I managed to get ahead, but are far too many who do not. I acknowledge also the fate that initially turned away at the end took my hand. Many people (some babies or small children) who have suffered infinitely more than me and with whom the disease has shown no mercy to cruelty. So I do not care to recount what happened to me a thousand times more if needed. Hopefully, together, with our evidence, we continue to stir consciences and get more donors than it is, what they can, whatever they want. Although I know it's a very difficult task because unfortunately, until they touch the stuff close, you do not become sensitized to these causes. Much encouragement and greetings to all! "

can see the letter that Agnes wrote to her donor HERE

If you want to become a marrow donor, please click HERE If
becoming a member of the Foundation, click HERE

Friday, December 24, 2010

Toddler Has Bump On Back Of Throat


"Appreciate @ s @ s friend,

One dream most important in my life is to do everything possible, everything in my power to get leukemia and other hematologic malignancies are curable for all and in all cases.

In 1987, when I was in the prime of my life leukemia crossed my path. As for anyone, it was a hard blow and the first time was very difficult to accept. I, however, that if there was a chance to surpass one million, that was the mine. Regardless of medical treatment, I think it is very important for patients to try to have a positive attitude to the disease. In my case, I am convinced that this approach, an extraordinary medical equipment with the delivery and tireless support of my family were the key to my recovery.

Once the disease in 1988 started the project of the Foundation Against Leukemia that bears my name. I was in debt to society and science and thereby trying to return all these tokens of affection and all the support I received during my illness.

Obviously, the Foundation has contributed greatly to give meaning to my life as a human. Trying to help patients who have to live today in the difficult situation in which I was for years is a compromise. Each year I host a dozen charitable concerts, participate in meetings and decision making of the Foundation moved me to visit patients and give them encouragement as they see in me someone who managed to overcome this tough disease. It is by this that the Foundation is without doubt a high priority in my life.

What other priorities? They are like those of many others. My big dream was, and remains, my children, my grandchildren and other members of my family and obviously my profession. When you go through a situation so severe as to combat leukemia, priorities of life change and we value what is truly important in our lives. "

Josep Carreras

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Acute Hiv Rash -fungal -herpes


Alex, making the gesture of the" v " Victoria

Hello friends,

After a long time and used to have good news, today is not so good, they are not alarming, but worrying.

In Analytical Tuesday December 14, both leukocytes (1,1), such as neutrophils (0.3) are very low. The medication has the disadvantage that I eat both levels, but if you add up an infection or virus, even more. My doctor has taken medication for a week and I will not go to school for the bugs on the loose not see me as easy prey, a shame because I love the cole.

In one week we will know if we should worry more or return to the great path we had. Nobody said this was easy or pleasant, but jopeee, a quiet Christmas would not hurt, not Santa Claus and the Magi, can come home, although I'm sure my father would force ....

Anyway, now I need to believers and nonbelievers to do push my levels up, we, all together, pushing to keep the bugs come and go up levels! Okay, I see fit, thou shalt not lack in seven days ... WIN!

"I like the future because it is where I will spend the rest of my life"

For becoming a marrow donor, please click HERE
becoming a member d ela, Cure leukemia, click HERE

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mini Cabin Septic System Design

Nerea, of Valencia, was 20 when, in February 2010, he was diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia . He is currently studying 4 th of Medicine ("I went from course despite the emitters and my income," he says.)

For her and for all other patients with leukemia and other hematologic malignancies, it is important the cooperation of all to continue research with a single objective: that leukemia is, someday, a curable disease in all cases.

Become a member of the cure leukemia, become a member of the José Carreras Foundation.

We invite you to view a video that Neil has made to show everyone that in this, SE SALE!

Also check out the video of Neil and many more on Youtube Channel Foundation Josep Carreras, HERE

Monday, November 22, 2010

What Is Initiation For Phi Delta Epsilon Like?

CHRISTMAS LAUNCH CAMPAIGN 2010: With 5 and on wheels! VICTOR

CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN 2010: November 22 / December 15
€ 5 mean to you?

The € 5 banknote, the smallest of all. Obviously has an economic value but he comes to pay a lunch menu or a full breakfast, or phone bill ...

however, with 5 € yes you can buy a bicycle ... HOW?

With a donation of 5 € you can help us make this Christmas leukemia patients recovering host in our apartments have a stationary bike to stay fit.

This Christmas, through the campaign "With 5 and on wheels "bikes we provide the host 6 floors for patients with hematological malignancies and their families . By this action, the patient severely debilitated by the chemotherapy and / or transplantation which have undergone may do gentle exercise each day. Our challenge is to get € 1,700 this Christmas to buy the 6 bikes. The Foundation DIR adds to this project and are preparing a manual of exercises for patients and families can enjoy bike and take full advantage.

DONATE HERE and NOW and help to make this Christmas gift for our host floors. If many people participate with 5 € we can make this project a reality.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Family Dollar Tech Decks


"It was just after receiving the first vaccine for three months, when Victor began to show signs of something was wrong came the coughing, fever and vomiting, the doctor did what he could, he was still happy, always so happy, and hungry, always been so greedy, but did not improve.

One Sunday evening, we took him to the emergency room at Mother and Child Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere he was born with her brothers triplets, and I left, his skin showed signs red throughout the body, the fever down, the cough was persistent, and physical decline was significant. Testing began, first diagnosis, immunocompromised, had to spend more than a month to get the final diagnosis: "Severe Combined Immunodeficiency with increased B lymphocytes." We will never forget the moment, a room with seven doctors, all very serious, we did not understand what We talked, told us that the only solution was a t rasplante bone marrow, we still do not understand that we speak, only I had a question: is the only option? Yes.

We talked about the fate of siblings in these cases, analytical, insulation, cameras, many hundreds of probabilities, chemotherapy , ..., we room alone, saying nothing, we went walking to a nearby park, sat on a bench and cried, long time in silence, we still do not understand what we were talking.

The isolated in a room, there were no cameras at the hospital, while waiting for the results of tests to determine who was supported by his brothers, or us. While continuing to deteriorate, the results were negative, there was no support, was when we discussed the Josep Carreras Foundation and bank bone marrow donors. A case of meningitis in the hospital and hopes of finding a donor alerted to doctors could not continue without being isolated. He was taken to Hospital Vall d'Hebron Barcelona. plant in isolation chambers with their condition and appearance improved, but still did not appear a suitable donor, it was then that Dr. Ortega and Dr. Olive told us about stem cells, but had not tried before was the only possibility was 1995 and then did not know the potential of umbilical cords , time was running out, they would take stem cells from the bone of the father and trasplantarían Victor, confident that if there was no rejection, these cells create new marrow, hopefully fingers crossed.

On 7 July, San Fermin, the chupinazo entered through the veins of Victor, and started waiting, waiting a long time, so long! While repeated rejection episodes and increased doses of immunosuppressants, a toxic megacolon attacked mercilessly and it seemed that everything was going down, but not Victor's smile went out, had love for all nurses.

could not speak, but made himself understood perfectly, the nurse Rafa danced ... "there is a shark, shark, do not stop, go go" .. If asked How far are the nurses? will put his hands on his head and escaped her naughty smile.

He decided the order of drugs was taken orally, without question and always to arm or hand what they were going to spin if the port-a-cath, VENOCATH or catheter shift did not work, a good patient only one year.

One day, the number of rejections and immunosuppressive doses began to reverse, it seemed that everything was fine, I just had to gain weight, and on the street!. was released on August 15, 1996, 10 days shy of two years, not build defenses but accepted the bone, face the world, with all the dangers of a being that has been 14 months isolated in a sterile environment was his new challenge, but his smile was our hope, blindly trusted him.

outside the hospital were refusals, diarrhea and weight loss until it rejoined in January, malnourished and dehydrated. With the weather seemed to improve, is fed by vein, but his skin could not take any catheter until a rejection of a VENOCATH filled his lungs of fluid to be supplied as food. He was saved by a nurse, during a boring night, he went to play with, why Victor's smile was still in love, found it almost faded, scarcely breathing and purple complexion. He would have died that night had it not been for the nurse. Admitted to the ICU emergency, spent a week connected to two pumps that slowly, we subtracted the fluid in the lungs, was the only time he lost his smile. returned to the plant, with a catheter well connected and has since started to climb, with great dedication by all health personnel, until he left the hospital never to return!

learned to put a nasogastric tube and feeding with a pump, until they are turned off forever. At the age of three gave us all their first cell created by him, slowly but surely, recovery was already a fact, was the first successful vaccines, started going to school, ate everything, talked, ran, fell and got up again just ... Today, aged 16, is a normal kid, without sequelae, with only a few scars from multiple port-a-cath, VENOCATH and catheters needed, and most importantly, does not remember anything!

Victor's plan is to com artistic and removed the bachelor of fine arts career, to devote to education, and lend a hand Oleguer his brother, who is currently out of the same disease, but that is another story. "

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Basketball Songs 2010


currently Javier

May 30, 2008 .... . That was the day that changed my life. I'll make a brief summary to date. Had worked for ten years in a petrochemical company without unsubscribe and never check-ups every six months. So I went to work like any other day (just the day before had donated blood), I became the analytical and went to my job. Just before leaving, they called me telling me that Medical Services had some strange results and would have to repeat it (thought it was a lab error and the error was mine so I thought). The new results sent me straight to hospital for more tests. I asked what was happening, but I said nothing. Seeing that the thing was becoming rare, I asked them to take me to the hospital in Spain (where I live there and had a whole family). In the ambulance was the only time I cried.

In Cadiz, directly to Hematology (I have only gratitude for the plant staff and especially Dr. Mari Carmen). That night I knew my wife and I sensed it. After several days of testing, I was told I had acute myelogenous leukemia L5. Nothing to throw noses! I spent a month in hospital, after a week of chemo and expected side effects pero siempre con una sonrisa o una broma que gastar.

Después una semanita en casa, qué alegría, pero ya no era como antes, mi mujer (como es natural), con mucho miedo y poniéndome una sonrisa que no tenía y yo, sin esas fuerzas que antes tenía. A la semana, más de lo mismo, otra tanda de quimio y a esperar por donde salía la cosa. En el hospital no se aprende de los médicos, se aprende de los compañeros que están como tú y de sus familiares. Y me dí cuenta de una cosa, la medicina ayuda, pero la curación está en tu cabeza. Por eso os digo a los que estáis malitos, que tenéis que ser positivos y pensar que es un curing bad cold.

While my brothers were given the compatibility test. My brother had hepatitis, so only option left was my sister .... That day I played the original, I hope everyone will pass this!

As in Cadiz do transplant, I was sent to the Hospital de Jerez (thank you very much everyone and especially Dr. Garzón). It was a September 26, 2008 when I transplanted. The two months I was there not too well spent. He did not eat because I threw up everything and I got out of bed because I had a spinal tap which left me sore head strong calming only to lie down. I also had fever, aches number, etc ... typical, I go, but always very positive. When I left I was all crap, but very happy. From his hospital bed to bed in my house. I still would be many visits to the hospital for checkups and blood transfusions. Rejection? I did have and still I have a little. Of what? After all, rejection, liver, metabolic, dermatology, and I do not know what else ... But gradually being overcome everything. When I saw it with strength, I asked my doctor if I could play sports and I said, listen to your body! And what if I heard it!

The January 1, 2010 at 9:00 am, begins a purpose for me. That day I ran 5 minutes. On September 26, 2010 (the day just two years before my transplant), I finished my first half marathon (1:49:56).

As many know, the road is very difficult, but as a coach used to say Barcelona, \u200b\u200b always positive, never negative!

Everything is of course I have to thank my sister, who donated his bone me, my family was always there, my daughter Paula to just thinking would cry if I was not, gave me the strength to endure what I cast, and especially my wife Maria Angeles, that without it he could. Many times I cheated on a good face and a smile inside and cried like a cupcake. By the way, she is marrow donor.

always remember those who have left and I hope they are better, like me, and those who have not been able to do this, just hope that their families be strong and think they never stopped fighting, everyone has been very brave.

I've been lucky, you might also have. Let's go look!
Greetings to all,


If you want information about bone marrow donation, click HERE .

becoming a member of the José Carreras Foundation, click HERE.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Phrase To Chear A Friends

"This story begins with the loss of my parents, both cancer victims. In 1986 my father died, Frank," I was then 15 years and in 1992 my mother died, Mercè, - at that time I was 20 ... I was still young and without the support of my parents, but I insisted that I had to pull out.

These are my parents.

And the years passed. Xevi met in 1994 and in 1997 we got married. Everything was fine until one day in 1999, I developed a lump in the neck that the doctor gave no importance. He said it was a "simple" node, and that it would go ...

In 2001, one day we were watching the cavalcade of Carnival in Mataró (Barcelona), I felt a sharp pain in the neck. After spending Saturday night with painkillers on Sunday morning I had to go to the emergency room at Hospital de Mataró. After spending 4 hours waiting they told me I tested many found he had a lymphoma ... no further details. Had to be admitted but in that time there were no beds. I prescribed more painkillers and sent me an urgent letter to the doctor. It was in April and we were in February!

To all this I was doing normal life. But one day I had a very strong ovarian pain and went to my gynecologist, Dr. Estel Aluart. Exploration only knew it was not normal and, then, made some calls to the hospital and the Hospital Clínic de Mataró getting, finally, to visit me urgently at the Hospital of Mataró, where I visited Dr. Hernández. For its part, the gynecologist I did some tests and I also took them to hospital where they did more: CT, laboratory, biopsy ... After 4 days I was discharged to know the results of the tests. To all this, I was 29.

The results were: follicular NHL grade II and stage IIIA doctor advised me to go to Can Ruti (Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol), Badalona. There, on Thursday, April 5, 2001, I visited Dr. Navarro in the Oncology Day Hospital.

There began my battle particular: the start of chemo (6 cycles of FCM) and though I had some discomfort due to chemotherapy, the days passed, the tests were coming out and I did normal life.

to October 2003. He was hoping that the disease would be controlled ... but relapsed. To all this, for one year had a new job and just before going to hospital for review I was told not renewing the contract. sinking The world above me: the sick and jobless again! The new battle had just begun. Then I was 32.

In November 2003 I started chemo treatment of 6 cycles R-COP with a good partial response. As my brother, Josep M ª, is compatible with my bone, they decide to make me a allotransplantation (transplantation from a donor) reduced the intensity Saint George's Day 2004.


- March 5, 2004: the day I went to Can Ruti to speak with Dr. Sancho, which is the I have to do the transplant. I have to do many tests!

- March 8, 2004: I go with my brother, Josep M ª, a Can Ruti so that you do an analysis. Dr. Sancho tells me that I could enter the 14 April.

- March 11, 2004: my brother and I are going to Can Ruti. I have a test of the heart and ... Josep M ª analytics goes well on 8! There is a serious attack in Madrid.

- March 15, 2004: new analytical I've got 12 tubes of blood! After spinal puncture I dizzy.

- March 18, 2004: Can Ruti to return to speak with Dr. Xicoy. Testing has gone well, but had low defenses. He had finished the chemo in February ...

- March 19, 2004: Today, another test, X-ray of the spine.

- March 25, 2004: More tests ... CT, X-rays. That afternoon hail and the environment much Can Ruti seems snow!

- March 31, 2004: Today my brother and I are going to Can Ruti. At 10:52 I call to tell him Xevi Josep M ª was "plugged in" to get stem cells.

- April 1, 2004: Today Xevi and I have been to Can Ruti to know the test results are positive ...! We gone to see the isolation chambers Josep Carreras Foundation to the attic floor, where I will be hospitalized for a month.

- April 14, 2004: income and Can Ruti.

- April 15, 2004: Today I put in a catheter. It's been a long time very bad. Even get dizzy. I start the chemo, one in the morning and afternoon.

- April 16: chemo ...

- April 17: chemo. Today I received the first visits of my family! Antoni Montserrat and my uncles, and cousins, Pepi and Rafael, later also has my brother.

- April 18: chemo. Today more visits! They have been my friends Isidre Caboti and his wife Fina Mora and Marta Casas and Montse Godayol capgrossos La Colla Castellera which I belong with Xevi ...

- April 19: " chemo "

- April 20: chemo. Today I visited my in-laws, Joan and Fiona, and my brothers, George and Helena. Today I had the first vomiting and discomfort.

- April 21: chemo. Today has been my brother and Aunt Lola. Today we spent a very bad day! I have vomiting and I had a faint due to the anemia that I have.

- April 22: rest day today. Say goodbye to the chemo and now I get sera. Today I also had vomiting.

most anticipated day arrives! At about 11.30 am I do the transplant. In total have been half an hour. As curiosity I must say that throughout the process it shows a characteristic odor I was powerfully reminded of the smell of cockles!

That day of Sant Jordi i also had my pink, but could not be natural, Xevi and my nieces, Miriam and Laia, I got some roses drawn. The rest of the day I was a bit loose, with headache and upset ...

- April 24, the day after the transplant. I feel more lively. Today I visit my brother and Laura, a friend of mine.

- April 25 I'm encouraged. Anastacia's music and help me Xevi company. In the afternoon I receive a visit from my cousins, Pepi and Raphael, and a call from Mike, an uncle of mine.

- April 26: Tuesday morning I had a good time but in the afternoon, after tea, I have been vomiting. I have a slight discomfort in the little finger of his left hand, possibly caused by bad posture.

- April 27: Our Lady of Montserrat. Today begins the descent of defenses. I received a visit from my in-laws and my brothers.

- April 28: Quiet!

- April 29: Today I have a fever. I get to 38 º.

- May 1, today have come to see my brother, Josep M ª, Montse Gomis and Pep Bosch. In the afternoon I returned to have a fever.

- May 2: nothing remarkable. I visit my friends and Fine Isidre Castellera Colla ..

- May 3: Start caérseme hair. I put two bags of blood!

- May 4: the evolution is positive. Makes me hopeful that the weekend discharged me!

- May 5: Today Neus, nurse, I have shaved hair. Thus saving me see how I like. Afternoon fever.

- May 6: Today I have made the care of the catheter tip.

- May 7: I have a sore catheter site!

- May 8: nothing. Today 10 years ago and I started Xevi out!

- May 9: I get visits from friends: Marta Casas, Quim Boixet, Isidre and Fina .. Mari Carmen called me - raw Xevi. A house called Tomàs Tapies of Castellera Colla ..

- May 10, seeing that the evolution is positive, Xevi back to work.

- May 11: Today I have visited Helena, his brother, Juan Jose and Margarita.

- May 12: Today I was told that the defenses up well!

- May 13: Today I say that if nothing happens, on Friday I will be discharged!

- May 14: Today I have been discharged. Just got home and I received gifts! A bouquet of Dolors Pérez de la Colla, another of Martha, and Montse Fina, and Xevi gives me a watch!

Since those days of 2004, I went to become a routine control. Evolution is favorable. Now I have 36 years. I want to thank the medical staff and health personnel from Can Ruti (Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol), in especially to people with whom I had more treatment: Dr. José Tomàs Navarro, Dr.Juan Manuel Sancho, Dr Christelle Ferrà, Dr. White Xicoy, Dr. Natalia Lloveras, Dr. Montserrat Batlle, Dr. Albert Oriol and the rest of the excellent team!

A Josep Carreras Foundation, my gynecologist Dr. Estel Aluart, Dr JA Hernandez of the Hospital of Mataró, Josep M ª my brother for his generosity, for being every day Xevi my side ...

All-friends and family- company that I did at that time ... THANK YOU! WRITING IF THIS CAN SERVE TO GIVE ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE PEOPLE PASSING THROUGH THIS TIME SENSITIVE .... I will be satisfied!


These songs - "With the help of friendship" from the Beatles and the "Friends for forever" by Sarah Brightman and Jose Carreras, are dedicated to the people who were next to me at this difficult time: family, friends and medical equipment.


If you want information about bone marrow donation, click HERE .
becoming a member of Josep Carreras Foundation, click HERE .

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Do You Mean By Gold Plated


currently Esteban

"My story begins on a day like any other, in which I decide I want to be military and Oposito to be career military, particularly in the navy. When I was 19 years old, I went home to be an only child. He broke my heart to my mother as you can imagine, but I got approve the opposition. The penalty of this is that I met 21 years compared to coast of Yugoslavia in the war so cruel that many had to attend in person. After studying and kept climbing, reaching to get me sent to the United States to study the AEGIS weapon system, in short, that was my job. The last conflict in which I was in Iraq in 2005, and thereafter, went home with the hope of being able to make a new life in Spain, but things were dashed.

ms In August 2007, my wife left me taking my kids and leaving me all alone. In November of that year, while I was showering at first morning, I fainted and lost consciousness for several minutes. When I got to have the strength to get out of the shower, I noticed that gave me a strong blow to the head and bled, so I got dressed and went to hospital emergency Ferrol. In this small hospital had not qualified to give me a reasonable explanation of what had happened and decided to move to a larger hospital entity in A Coruña. I did a blood test and a very sweet and distressed doctor gave me the news that he had acute lymphoblastic leukemia with Phildalphia chromosome positive. After I get a puncture in the back, I was almost platelets and was about 3 short hours in the ICU, they failed to stop the bleeding for the same back, but finally succeeded.

Meanwhile, my parents, who lived in Malaga, A Coruña traveled to see me. We spent a week trying to locate my ex-wife, but never answered the calls, but leave a message saying that it was something serious. Finally, a friend called and did not know his phone and responded to the call. As my kids were in Vigo, decided together my doctor that I moved there to fight the disease and thus be able to stand with them, but my ex did not want to take them to see them and I decided with my parents (I was never left alone), move to Malaga, where they lived.

This opens a new chapter in my life and a new battlefield, since I was 3 months with chemotherapy , fighting to be conditioned for marrow transplantation, with a staff of doctors that I talk to them, I'm excited. And this group of nurses ..., what love, what patience, what warmth ... With that, I keep fighting and come to a confinement chamber for transplantation of umbilical cord and mainly thanks to your foundation for everything you do, that is not small. left the transplant some problems, but more or less well, which is important.

To my mind busy and have a new dream, I enrolled in Manchester University to study criminology. Got Take the first course with a grade average of outstanding and that motivated me a lot. At that time, I met is the woman of my life, which has been supporting me all this time when I had no more strength to fight, they turned to fall in late 2009 and had to start a new struggle, again having to leave the University, although I had enrolled in 2 º. I faced a second transplant in June this year, from what I have gone great and keep fighting, steroids although I have had to give, I have caused necrosis in both hips. Right me and I have operated and have a prosthesis that has adapted to me without problem. Now it remains to be operated on the left, I guess I will before the end of the year.

With everything that has happened, I just want to tell you that you have to keep fighting, because life is too beautiful to be missed and my plans are simply, to live in peace, be with my loved ones and finish my degree in criminology.

Greetings to all and encouragement! "

Esteban Esteban Thanks for sharing your story with us. We hope you enjoy life and your children. Courage!

If you want to read about bone marrow donation, click HERE
If you want to read about the donation of umbilical cord blood, click HERE
Become a member the fight against leukemia by clicking HERE

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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My husband Caesar to-day today is 48 years. In 1999 was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) was transplanted in 2000, but fell and turned to transplant in 2001, later I had to put her sister lymphocyte donor had a GVHD great skin, liver and mouth, had a hard time, but gradually he recovered.

After a time he returned to work and his passion for road cycling. For internet we found out that some games were held for transplanted (all types of bodies: marrow, kidney, liver, heart, lung, heart, cornea) and decided to go. In 2005 we went to the World Games held in Canada Transplant Games and won two medals: a gold and a bronze route anti-clockwise. In 2006 we were in Europe for Transplant Games held in Hungary and came back to win two medals: gold and silver route anti-clockwise.

The gaming experience was great, we met many wonderful people, both in Spain and other countries, and everyone with their transplantation, and more alive than ever. Addition dialysis had participants eager to fight and courage.

I'm very proud of my champion, but my greatest pride has battled leukemia. From here I send encouragement to all the transplant, a transplant that hope, which you fight against the disease with pills, chemotherapy or whatever your treatment. For me are all the greatest champions and all medals are few for you. Anecdotally tell you that Caesar when he was in the isolation room the first thing he asked was a ciclostatic. There were days he could not give a single pedal, but were the least, did lots of efforts to get out of bed and keep giving to the pedals, but they were two minutes.

Gloria "

Monday, October 4, 2010

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Carol during treatment

" Hello, my name is Carol, I live in a town near Barcelona and I have almost 33 years and I say almost, because now prefer to put them off years. Many understand why, right?

When I was 29, four and a half months after my daughter was born, I was diagnosed Hodgkin lymphoma , then classified as nodular sclerosis type in a stage IIA. The state told me, more or less to be understood in this type of tumor, which was meant for my involvement in several lymph node chains (mediastinum, supraclavicular and axilla), but all above the diaphragm and no symptoms related to illness . The latter I have none so clear, but it qualified.

seems impossible as time goes on, but this November will mark three years since I administered the last session of chemotherapy. In my case, my treatment consisted of 6 cycles (12 sessions) of ABVD scheme and I had to radiate. Completed three cycles, to make a PET-CT scan to determine the response of the treatment, the result could not be better: all the lymph nodes had decreased considerably and did not log tumor activity. Despite the good news, the treatment plan was modified and my "medical care", Dr. Bosch, I said we had to stick with the original plan, so I still had 3 cycles. These latter sessions are those that made me more uphill. thing that encouraged me when I was in the hospital by day, plugged into the machine, was to think that my little girl was waiting at home. Without doubt, my family was the driving force tore me all day to go, but my daughter would not have been the same. She has been and is the reason why it is worth me being here and fight whatever it takes.

Since I finished treatment in November 2007, follow my reviews, and now quarterly results have been satisfactory, ie, the disease remains in remission. A shock because we have carried out some indicator has changed, but knowing we take, because you have to know a little difficulty to draw a blood sample, can lead to some data that it is out of normal. Fortunately, one need only repeat the test and ended the unrest.

go into a hobby like photography and digital edition, was relieved to a large extent during the treatment, especially I mean emotional overload. helped me to keep my mind distracted and is a hobby that I still practice today, less than what I wanted, that's true, but the obligations are obligations. For this reason, I encourage anyone who is affected by these diseases, to resume their hobbies or to inquire about things you'd like to do, always within the possibilities. To achieve mental well-being during the process, I have to practice your hobbies is one of the best aid.

Three years later, I am a completely normal life and when I say completely normal, is that so. I take no medication, nor do I have any disability. Footprint is only one battle, but these marks, these scars, help me remember how I got here, for without struggle there is no victory. I feel good, and not a trace of weariness that the treatment causes. Now is when I can really enjoy my family without worries and certainly I will do everything in my power to have a day to reach a much larger family, with grandchildren! My husband, one of my mainstays, a saint for his patience and love. Of course, he is the grandfather of my grandchildren, and perhaps the father of a sibling for our daughter Sandra.

This is my story, but before I quit, I would like to leave a piece I wrote some time ago, also as a witness. It was a letter I wrote to my daughter, I hope that some day we read together:

"... The treatment ended, I was recovering gradually forces the battles had died down, and I was very happy seeing you do your first year of life. And soon after it reaffirmed what dictated and months testing and treatment is had beaten cancer . And you you also win. You were doing that anxiety was an annoyance. If you had not been, I just wanted to sleep to forget, or go to be free. Now I suffer just thinking of letting this fight should be with you. Do not fear death, but I panicked thinking that I have on your side when I need to think you can not give you all my love, take care, feed, comfort you. But all this suffering, this cross I will carry on their backs while I live, I do not regret, because you are. I love you more than anything or anyone in this world, over my life, no doubt for an instant. Thanks girl ... "

This is my plan, my great plan: I wish you all much strength and courage to overcome your struggles. I leave two words you shared with me and always I have this: "This is what comes out" and "p'alante provided "!!!!" p'alante

Carol with her daughter Sandra currently

want to know more about the José Carreras Foundation against Leukemia? Click HERE .

Become a member of struggle leukemia.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

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Sonia, smiling.

Hello, my name is Sonia Fernandez. For 25 years, my life is tied to the word PTI , so you could say that we are a married couple celebrating their silver wedding anniversary, recalling its good and bad times, but always with a big smile to celebrate a year union over ...

I do not remember the beginning, not the symptoms, as were my parents who, at the age of 5 years, noted that their first child had bruises and patches of very difficult explanation.

The first diagnosis was a hypersensitivity of the skin, which subsequently became a picture of meningitis, providing timely treatment, and after several misdiagnoses and a spinal marrow, in order to exclude a leukemia , my family first met the palaba idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), understanding what they meant for her daughter to live with 10,000 platelets.

fate, chance, or simply l by lot, took our way to a hematologist (out of respect, not name), I "adopted" and taught me from a very young girl who was not sick, it was just someone "special." remember every word of it, the harsh treatments, the operation that removed my spleen with 9 years old ...., but what I remember most is the support of those around me, your words of encouragement, your baby, sleepless nights ....

I will not deny that there were times I did not understand why, especially because I felt guilty for each of the tears that my loved ones had to be shed, but time, as they say, heals all, and today, although my scars always take longer to heal, in my head I have only good memories of those experiences ...

I have 29 years, an average of 50,000 platelets and a lifetime of dreams and projects. Work for four years as technical guidance and employment, career and finished my two years living with my partner, who have always support and respect those little breaks that once I have to do to get stronger, but mostly, I have lucky to be writing these lines, I hope, optimism sound like, because those who know me, always emphasize that quality in me.

My premise is "Carpe Diem" and I hope that my words that occur who read, to enjoy the moment, the fate of being "special" because it makes us see life from another perspective . I encourage you all and a hug from Galicia!

scientific research focused on hematologic malignancies is essential. What is even more so when it comes to rare diseases such as Sonia tells us. The primary mission of the José Carreras Foundation is to get leukemia and other malignant blood diseases are curable. To do this, there is only one answer: more research and better!

If you want to be a member of the José Carreras Foundation, click HERE.

Monday, September 27, 2010

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Rosario has lymphocytic lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma clinically and molecularly similar to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The difference is that lymphoblastic lymphoma is mainly found in the lymph nodes while the CLL tends to be localized in the bone marrow and in the circulating blood.

The first symptom was anemia. Hemolytic anemia was diagnosed , a condition in which there is an insufficient number of red blood cells in the blood due to the premature destruction. Although the case began in Almeria, soon she was referred to Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona (Barcelona). CAMPATH is currently treated with a monoclonal antibody generation. His treatment is going well despite having to overcome a serious cytomegalovirus infection.

Rosario, along with his niece, who accompanies her on every visit.

Dr. Navarro, the doctor explains that Rosario is in the 9 th week of treatment. She corrects him: "I'm not in Week 9 but I only need 3. When finished, I will go to people if I let Dr. Navarro. He commands. "

If you want to help us investigate further and better, click HERE .