Thursday, May 5, 2011

Community Service Character Letter

The Spanish Global Compact Network has a new management tool parala CSR in SMEs

GCSIC application was submitted to the English Network of UN Global Compact, a new tool that allows SME management variables continued implementation of social responsibility and the annual development report Global Compact Progress. GCSIC tool will be available in mid-May for all entities with fewer than 250 employees and are associated to the English Global Compact Network.
Susana de las Heras, Deputy Director General to the Chairman of the Institute of Official Credit (ICO) said the experience in the field of CSR
acquired by the Official Credit Institute (ICO) under the project to develop sustainability reports that have been conducted over the past two years with Caja Navarra.
Juan de la Mota, the Global Compact, highlighted the work carried out by the English Global Compact Network for the service to SMEs simple tools so they can communicate their CSR progress. Eduardo del Pueyo
, Secretary of the Commission's CSR
English Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), spoke of the importance of CSR is not an activity isolated within companies, but it becomes an area integrated in the management of the company. Isabel Garro, Director General of the English Global Compact Network, the importance of this pioneering application for SMEs will be associated with the English network enabling them to manage information related to CSR in the company in a clear, orderly and aggregate . Ferreiro Senén
expilcó technical specifications GCSIC software, with particular emphasis on its use as a management software of the variables of CSR in the area of \u200b\u200beach SME. Marcos González
of MediaResponsable, Elena Bou of Revenga Ingenieros, and Paul Pastor, Pastor Dominguez & Associates, explained their experience in preparing the Progress Report, their participation in the CSR-SME project and the features of the new management tool developed by the Network English Global Compact.
Antonio Fernández Ecker, Assistant Director General for Business Development, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, underlined the role of public authorities as generators of a suitable framework to encourage SMEs to implement CSR, and intermediate bodies as multiple entities in the management of CSR for SMEs.
The Global Compact United Nations (UN Global Compact) is an initiative of ethical commitment to entities of all countries to implement as part of their operations and strategy, 10 Principles of Conduct and Action in Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption. In Spain, Global Compact operates through the English Network of UN Global Compact, an organization that already joined more than 1,100 members.


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