Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Intitle Live View Axis Beach


The auditorium of the University of Zaragoza will host the 24th and 25th May from III Conference University Social Responsibility, organized by the Vice President and Cultural Social projection, with the collaboration of the Fundación Carolina. The rector of the University of Zaragoza, Manuel Lopez and the Secretary General of Universities, Marius Rubiralta, will open this conference on Tuesday 24.00 to 9.00 hours. After the official opening
intervene Manuel Larra, University of Cadiz and Javier Benayas, Autonomous University of Madrid, to discuss "MSW indicators. At 12, 15 will begin a round table to address the issue of communication of MSW: sustainability reports and intervene where Longinus Marin, Universidad de Murcia, and Emilio Martin, University of Zaragoza. M ª Jesús Muñoz, Universidad Jaume will moderate.
the afternoon will address the issue of social responsibility in higher education. Juan José Cubero, University of Zaragoza will moderate a debate involving Iratxe Amiano, University of the Basque Country, Isabel Sanchez, University of Extremadura and Pilar Arranz, University of Zaragoza. Also in the afternoon Sylvia Sastre i Riba, University of La Rioja, Maria Cristina de la Cruz, University Deusto and Marta de la Cuesta, National University of Distance Education will discuss the RSU and best practices, Jesus Vela, University of Zaragoza as moderator
the morning of 25 begins with a discussion moderated by José Luis Marqués , Chairman of the Board of the University of Zaragoza on MSW and society involving Javier Navarro, Director General of Industry, Government of Aragon, Miguel Angel Blasco, President of the RSE Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Eduardo Andrés Zaragoza , Student of School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Zaragoza. Then it will be a debate on the RSU in Latin America in the to participate Jose Gutierrez, CSR Program Coordinator of the Carolina Foundation, as moderator, and Julio Hernandez of the University Piura (Peru), Daniela Gargantini, University Cordoba (Argentina) and Vilma Peña, MSW Observatory Universities Distance (Costa Rica) as participants. Concepción
Lomba, Vice Chancellor of Cultural and Social Projection of the University of Zaragoza and Jose Mariano Moneva, the Organizing Committee of the University of Zaragoza, will close the conference at 12.45 am on Wednesday 25.


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